An Artist's Gym.


PAL is a studio for creatives. It’s a multi-disciplinary school where practitioners can come together to work. We are committed to hosting and curating master classes, workshops, mentorship and events in a safe, vibrant and intimate setting. Class sizes are thoughtfully accounted for so that students can work in depth. Teachers are PAL approved, well versed in their field and build classes around the needs of the individual student. It will also be a school for guest artists.

The studio is slated to open fall of 2018. We are an online resource, a school, a work space, and a self taping studio. At our core, we are looking to build a community that will help artists sustain themselves.

--Michelle Krusiec

The Actor - Director Relationship

Coming: Fall 2018

How do you build your relationship with your cast and find an enriching process? How can you draw out a performance without interrupting yet providing the right navigation for the actor to work? This is a film acting class for directors. Directing actors is perhaps one of the most important elements needed in filmmaking, yet it is often the least taught. Are you an actor’s director? This class will give directors a comprehensive language and experience on how to work with actors by allowing directors to step into the shoes of the actor. Directors will be asked to act, write, workshop their own scenes and direct others. All levels welcomed. This is a 2 month course.

If you wish to be notified when enrollment begins subscribe here.

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